Lifelong Learning Opportunities: Councils Highlight Adult Education, Enriching Professional and Personal Growth
Ensuring Accessibility Compliance with AI Sign Language Translation
Local authorities’ careful communication, using accessible fonts and colours, means that messaging reaches most people. Through adult education initiatives, councils promote continuous learning and skill development, enabling residents to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
But did you know that a lot of Deaf people struggle to read English and rely entire on British Sign Language?
Something as simple as a QR code can help Deaf residents have access to the same information as everyone else, helping by enrolling in adult education programs and expanding their skill sets.
Robotica will help you by translating your information into British Sign Language, so that your departmental communications become inclusive, and contribute towards compliance with accessibility laws, whilst demonstrating your commitment to serving diverse audiences
Read about Sign Language translations on public information notices and signage
Read about Sign Language translations on posted letters, emails, and in customer portals